The "Hole" Truth

Well, my Laminaria shawl will be going into the time out corner with the rest of the UFO’s for a while. Last night I was moving my lifeline for the next section of the pattern. I checked very carefully to make sure all the stitches were correct before removing the lifeline. But to my surprise, when I was putting the lifeline back in just over this spot, the huge gaping hole you see in the photo formed right before my eyes. This tells me that I must have knit that stitch right into my lifeline so that when I pulled out the lifeline, I also pulled out the stitch. As Homer Simpson would say, DOPE!

If you have been following this project then you know that I have frogged this shawl several times already and once all the way back to the beginning. With out a live line that is what I would have to do again, all the way back to the beginning and I am not willing to go through all that work again just now, so the Laminaria shawl will be laid to rest for an undisclosed period of time.

Maybe I can do some research on how to fix mistakes, can you fix lace mistakes? A girl can dream can’t she?


AmyS said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry that happened. I have to have absolutel quiet when I do lace, so clearly I don't do much of it.

Right now I'm trying to figure out a short row heel for a toe up sock. I did one, and am not at all pleased with the results. I am practicing this technique on a baby sock. I don't have enough yarn to make a mate, so I think I will just add another attempt at a heel right there on what should be the leg of the sock...

Jill L said...

Gosh I'm so sorrythat happend. I have been reading your plight with this pattern.........

Unknown said...

Thanks Jill and Amy for the condolences. My plight hasn’t been so much with the pattern as it has been with my stupid mistakes and I am mostly frustrated with myself at the moment. Since I am busy with a lot of other projects and can’t provide the undivided attention this project needs, it is best I put it down for a while till things slow down a little bit in my life.

I really appreciate the two of you that read my blog. I am trying really hard to post at least once a week, but I guess that isn’t enough for regular readership so I really am honored that the two of you keeping coming back and letting me know your reading.