Hemp Market Bag Finished

Here is the completed Bag. I only put one single strap on it instead of the two the pattern called for mostly because I just wanted it done but I really think I like it better with only one strap.

As you can see, this bag hold holds a lot of loot!

This is a picture of the strap before I put it on the bag.

Here is the bag before the strap was put on. It didn't look tall enough to me when I finished the top of the bag but this thing really stretches out when you put stuff in it.

Overall, I like the bag and will probably make another one sometime in the future, but not with the hemp yarn. This project would have been less troublesome with a better yarn that didn't have knots throughout and might have been down right enjoyable.


Jill L said...

Very cool! Perfect Green Day project!

AmyS said...

Yay for you! Glad you got it done and can just enjoy it now.

SHARON said...

I cant find an active link for the hemp market bag pattern. Can you supply or send a copy of the pattern? please. What type of yarn would you use if you made another? Thanks